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Who'd live in a house like this? Worst estate agent pictures show off homes with Swastikas on the wall, smashed windows and animal trophy heads With broken windows, overgrown gardens and bedrooms that... 較多Who'd live in a house like this? Worst estate agent pictures show off homes with Swastikas on the wall, smashed windows and animal trophy heads With broken windows, overgrown gardens and bedrooms that could easily double as prison cells, theses shocking properties would prove a hard sell for the most gifted of estate agents. Even silver-tongued salesmen would struggle to shift these homes with what must be some of the world's worst estate agent photographs. One includes a tiled Swastika in a bathroom, another pictures a dog using a back lawn as a toilet and a third shows a chilling message written in red paint warning guests that 'you will die'. Others show stuffed animals and creepy-looking dolls and masks while there are also images of smashed windows, bizarrely positioned toilets and terrible paint jobs. The images were compiled from around the world by Andy Donaldson of Terrible Estate Agent Photos and are due to appear in a new book. ??terriblerealestateagentphotos.com/Exclusivepix 較少

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2014年8月22日週五 台北標準時間下午3時00分

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